These Are The Days

These Are The Days

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Simple Days

Warmer weather brings on the days .....
the days when trying to decide where to go on the bikes was your biggest problem ....
or how brave to get on the trampoline ......
Little Man finally got brave enough but only with the understanding that noone else could jump at the exact same time ....... 
Still with the rubber boots ! He has even been know to wear them to the beach !!!  I do buy him other footwear but really I'm just wasting my money .....
Why get one rock to throw in the water when you can get a shovel full ???
throwing Mom's dandelions in the water so they wouldn't die ... ;)
My trees are finally budding out .....
My biontic wheeping willow tree, which my Mom started from a little piece off her tree and was just planted last year! It's still alive!! Miracles do happen :)
The way the sun shines through the trees in the evening ...........
This is Bampi Bear or Mimi Bear as my kiddos have named him/her. They are very inventive naming a bear after their Grandparents :) Does anyone know how to tell if its a he or she...... from a distance ??????? I know it looks like the bear is caged in but this is the fencing along the highway and we are parked up near the overpass ... We saw this same bear in the exact spot last year - not kidding ... :) Well at least I think it's the same bear. I mean, It's black and it's a bear in the same spot - how many could there be ??????
Showing off for us  ....
It's finally happened ... hubby and I have become " those people" you know .... the ones who load their kids in the minivan and tell them they're just going for a drive ........and we all know how kids just love to "go for a drive " ........

but hey... if we hadn't become those " just going for a drive people ".... we would have totally missed out seeing Bampi / Mimi bear :)


Anonymous said...

Looks beautiful over there. Wish we could enjoy the spring weather with you guys. I'd love to just go for a drive. and wow!! Scary black bear.

Rachael said...

Great pics! (As usual!) I have to admit I was a little scared thinking that bear was a part of your back yard until I read the story behind it! Ha!