These Are The Days

These Are The Days

Thursday, May 10, 2012


In this day of cellphones, texting, tweeting, blogging, e-mail and and who knows how many ways to communicate, Gone are the days of writing a letter, sticking a stamp on it, putting it in the mailbox and then patiently unpatiently waiting for a response is now just a way of the past. Which is a little sad. I'm so guilty of this. I used to write letters to everyone! I was always on time for birthday cards too, but three kids and technology changed that ! I find it so much easier to text someone if I have a question or even just to say "Happy Birthday". I don't even call people anymore because... well ...... it's so much faster just to type it! Sad, isn't it? I wonder how people will conserve their special memories. Gone are the days of Love Letters, Cards, Special Notes. Won't it be hard in 50 years to look back and try to find an old e-mail or text .....
So while they are young, I'm hoping I can install a passion for writing......
communicating " the ole fashion way " .......
showing someone love through personal touch ......
kind words. laughter, NEWS :)
Look what we Mama's would miss out on if we didn't teach them to write down their love :)


Haf Dozen Reasons....... said...


Rachael said...

So, so true. Good communication is quickly becoming a thing of the past! I must get my girlies to do this, too....

John said...
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Karis said...
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buba said...
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Karis said...

Looks great!