These Are The Days

These Are The Days

Saturday, June 30, 2012

The Sky

Last night we were happily minding our business playing outside while hubby was haying ..... I mean mowing our lawn, when these storm clouds rolled in .....
We could hear the thunder for a while in the distance and see the lightning .... no I don't have any pics of the lightning because well, I can only point and flash with this camera and I am not skilled enough for lightning pics ... but trust me .... there was lightning .....
By this time I have protected my young and the dog and sent them into the house. Meanwhile I am still outside taking pics of the sky and hubby is well ..... you guessed it .... still haying the lawn ....
We are either brave or uber smart -  or neither .... your guess is as good as mine !
and the thunder rolled .....
The clouds through my two front maple trees and the time I deemed - head into the house now :) There was lots of thunder, a kajillion flashes of lighting and the kids especially loved it and "weren't frightened" at all when we lost the power ........
Then there was much rain ( you heard how badly we need the rain right folks?) Here's another picture of my lovely garden from two nights ago  ......
Yeah .....
After the storm, we came out of "hiding " lol.... to find the sky this beautiful pink- peachy color. 
The view out our back door. A double rainbow and pink sky. How pretty is that ?
The picture does not do it justice to just how bright it was .....


Rachael said...

Oh, wow!! That sky is gorgeous! And your water-logged garden looks like mine. :-(
Hope John was able to finish haying before the storm! Our lawn desperately needs "haying"! :-)

Anne said...

That sky is beautiful!!! I love all your pictures. Anne (Homeschool Adventures)