These Are The Days

These Are The Days

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Saint Patrick's Day Weekend Recap

The weekend started off with John and the kiddos bowling for Big Brothers and Big Sisters, representing hubby's work. 
Little Man got a haircut .
Could ya tell?
He can see again :)
Hal bowling ...
Mag bowling ...
Coop ~ again ~ bowling ....
In case you couldn't tell .... :)
Sunday morning we were treated to Shrek green pancakes ...
Saint Patty's Day after all :)

Then it was off to church ...
Which is a huge deal ! - My second time back since Sammy died. 
I have been avoiding public places since I turn into a blubbering crying mess around humans !
I made it through, jaw clenched from holding back tears and escaped at the end of the service so I didn't have to  - you know ~ Socialize !
Then it was off to the good ole' USA for our weekly shopping trip :)
We were greeted at the border by a sweet woman who informed us that we had been randomly selected by the computer to be checked and have our vehicle searched :) Lovely :)
I really feel at this point to let you know that I wanted to take my van over this day but hubby wanted to take the car from work so he could fill it with gas ...

O.K. ~  Back to my story.

So we parked under the canopy and all filed into the building , where hubby filled out paperwork , while they searched the car ....
15 minutes later - we had passed with flying colors and were free to go! So we thought :)
Breathed a sigh of relief, got everyone buckled into the car and ready to go shopping !
Hubby turned the key ~ Nothing !
Hubby turned the key again ~ Nothing !
And on and on and on ~ You get where I'm going here ... right ?
So with head hung in shame ~ John headed back into the border office to ask for help ...
They couldn't have been any sweeter to us, two border men tried to give the car a boost, and made the kids and I go back inside so we could stay warm ...
They were so kind :)
Notice I said tried to give the car a boost !
Yup! Didn't work ....
No amount of boosting was going to start that car :)
So then it was time for hubby to call for help. He called Glazier who he works with. ( and yes Glazier is his real name ).
Glazier called us a tow truck ..
Thank-you Glazier :)
I would like to point out that Glazier is a great name, just not one you often hear ! I'm also banking on the fact that Glazier is probaly not one of the 34 people who follow and read my blog :)
Again !
Thank-You Glazier :)
So then it was time to sit again and wait for our tow truck to come across the border ....
This is Patrick who came clear from Canada to rescue us :)
Patrick on Saint Patrick's Day ~ Ho Hum :)
and loaded up the sick car ....
He drove us back to our homeland ....
Where the shopping is not so sweet ....
This was the day of course I chose to dump the boots and socks my feet have been living in for the past 5 months and dig out the pretty shoes ....
So my feet froze ! 
Lesson learned !
You will breakdown on the day you chose to not wear socks :)
Did I mention ..... ?
There is still snow here !
My girls ...
Rolling with the punches ....
Purses filled with their saved allowance money ....
We .
Will .
Try . 
This .
Again .
Next .
Week .
Girlies .
Just a hunch but ....
Me thinks the boy thought this was great! 
He didn't have to sit in a shopping cart and stroll the aisles of the Walmart, instead he got to ride in a big truck!
 Afternoon save for Coop!
Wait a minute ....
Aren't we supposed to be sitting back there ????
Home Again, Home Again ....
Where I had to do my shopping this week ...... :(
I'll .
Live .
And that was Saint Patrick's Day weekend folks !


Beth said...

oh no! I don't like the looks of that car on a tow truck!! i have had good luck so far though!

Unknown said...

Oh my goodness you have such a good attitude about it all:) I so feel you about the shoe even in southern CA I still am wearing boots or uggs because I am COLD!!!

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