These Are The Days

These Are The Days

Saturday, March 16, 2013

Snow Days

The month of March definately didn't come in like a lamb but instead roared in like a lion ...
We went to sleep on the last day of February ....
And woke up the next morning to a foot of SNOW ...
We spent the morning in out of the cold and turned the living room into a huge fort ....
Then the kiddos could wait no more ... 
and we headed out to the hills after the tractor plowed us out ....

Though it is beautiful ....
I am so over the snow and the cold ....
Instead I'm dreaming that spring will soon be here  ...
 Not long now ....
Though I did hear some horribly bad news about a huge snowstorm coming next week ...
Sigh .....
I'll just keep dreaming I guess :)

1 comment:

Rachael said...

Agreed! We had some beautiful spring days last week felt soooo good! And turned frigidly cold back to winter. Sigh....was so looking forward to getting outside again! Love all your pics!