These Are The Days

These Are The Days

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Shopping & A Mountain

We headed to the city on Saturday to do a little shopping... When we head to the city we also head to another Country..... cause that's where the BIG sales are!!!! We knew we were about half way there when we saw this....... beautiful isn't it......actually made it worth our rising at 5:30 on a Saturday morning :)
As everyone knows, kids love to shop......being drug from store to store trying on clothes... especially little boys..........So we knew we had to take a break before there was a breakdown and go to the promised restuarant of choice.......

 Then we headed to the airport. Are we the only ones here who actually go to the airport just to watch planes take-off and land...... with no intentions of getting on one???????
I know.... it's hard to tell we're from the country and don't get out much...............
After everyone was tired and ready to head home, we had one last stop.... My sis turned me on to these last summer....... Strawberries and cream..... so good........It's probaly a good thing I live no where near a Starbucks........ cause it would be hard to drive by everyday and not go in to get one of these.........
On the way home we couldn't drive by and not stop at the scenic lookoff ..... Did I mention the road to the scenic lookoff is only open from May-October?????? That didn't scare my man... I wanted a pic of the mountain and he was going to make sure I got it :)

A great ending to a perfect Saturday :)

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